
How it Works

The easiest way to see how What'sinStore works is to watch this
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What'sinStore is completely free to use and you can also use the phone app download at the bottom of the page for easier use

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Latest Offers

Once you have added a product you would like to know about WhatsInStore will monitor all available offers and notify you instantly if an offer is available that meets your requirements

You can also search for offers live via your phone or the website by clicking the ‘Search Live Offers” tab.

See Offers
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My Products

This is where all of the products you have asked to be notified about live. You can easily delete any of your products from your list here.

See Alerts
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Search Live Offers

In this section to can search for any product of interest to you to see if there is a current offer available. Simply enter the name of the product you are looking for and a priCe range (Optional) and Set the distance slider to the distance you want to travel for your offer. We will show you all the current offers available for that product so that you can make an informed choice.

Update List
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Search Stores

Use this section to search for offers by store. Simply set the slider to the distance within which you want to search and click "search". We will show you all of the stores that currently have live offers. Clicking on that store will show you all of the offers available now.

Search Stores
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Here is where you set all of the defaults for your account eg. How many alerts you want to get per day, the default distance that you want to search for offers and your own location.
